Monday, March 26, 2007

Biff Philosophy

So here is some of my philosophy and a bit of how i see this world and why we are here. Check it out peoples we are here to experience the fuck outta this world and i mean molest this earth and experience this world as much as you can with life you have been given cause ya only get one. I mean really if you have an idea during the day and are interested to do it but think it might be to crazy or be too much of a risk i say fuck it and do it. Ya wanna do two chicks at the same time i say you get on that motherfucking blow horn and do some looking for two girls are in to that sorta thing, or mabye you wanna throw chess pieces at jennifer anistons boobies well i say you go get your self a classy chess set and go to her house in california and get her ass outside her mansion and start tossing some chess pieces at her perky little huskies. Now all this will reqiure some drive and hard work on your end but it is so worth it. Next on my agenda well religon is just a load of crap that people have fed us many spoonfulls of just to stop us from doing two chicks at the same time with a midget baking us some easy bake oven goodies at the same time so pretty much to hell with any form of religon except buddhism cause bald people are cool. So here is some advice that crazy thought you had today of experiencing something crazy well get your fucking boots laced up and start making shit happen. We are just these beings chillin on this planet and we only have so long people so get the shit stick out of your armpit and loosen up a little and yes ms. menell this goes for you to! Anyways i am off to do some air guitar but i will cya ya all folks l8er. Oh yeah i forgot to mention happiness is everything not god he is just a guy who clames to have created the pogo stick which for your information Lisa.M your god is not cool enough to have invented the pogo stick sorry to crush your beliefs hun.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

free style

so if a salt shaker be shaking salt... and a pepper shaker be shaking some of that funky pepper... i am thinking a bear shaker well be shaking some grizzly ya dig. Would i take care of little bo peeps sheep hell fuckin no!!!! A man with a hobble in his stride has no pride... A fluffy stuffed animal gets squeezed to much so before ya touch another one of them think about there little lungs. If a boop equals a bop and a bop a boop then skip a rock and whoop diddy whoop baby!!! If your eating cheeze whiz leave it at that don't add real cheese please!!!!!!!!!! If ya kick an old mans cane outta his hand and he drops make sure you laugh like a madman and mabye spit in his face until she poops his pants so other people can't help but laugh and they don't frown upon your comical genius. If a mans hair is fluffy just let it chill ya touch it and then he looks at you with an insincere smile and loads his rifle at night puttin on some lipstick in a dark room boooo hoooo!!!!!!!!!!!! If ya jump on a trampoline make sure you get to the moon or why make the investment. I will now say good bye with a tap of my finger to the key man it feels good to be a gangsta peace!!!!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Something New

I don't really know what to talk about tonight... i suppose i could just chat about some shit on my mind. I have been alright lately i suppose, everythings working out pretty good and i am defiently excited for summer! I suppose i would just like a girl to chill with. But i think summer will probualy be a better time to look for a girl. I suppose i will just have fun for now as there ain't too much time before this school year is over. Camping is going to be so much fun i can't wait man i will be so smashed and definetly bunken out in my van. My van stopped smellin like weed so thats a plus. Gregiore i love you.I suppose i just need some new stuff to fuck with my life because i hate when it is going the way it should i mean i love a bit of chaos in my life. Well i am off to watch some movie with my bro but i will cya all l8er!!!

Monday, March 19, 2007

life's drama

So life's drama hey man there is alot of it to deal with some times. Here is my advice to those of ya going through some rough patches in your life either it be ure car breaking down or having a relationship fall apart. I feel the best thing is to just change your focus i mean if your in a relationship and it ends, take all the energy you focused on it and put it else where mabye working out or your studies or your friends. Another good thing to do is to talk about it till your blue in the face with some one and mabye bring a joint for that person to smoke with ya as we all know how it is to listen to some one suffering some one some times even if we love them to death. And last but not least find for your self what it is you need to push past the experience and move on and this can be tricky some times so give your self time. Anyways i am off to watch borat with gregiore talk to ya all l8er!!!!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Waiting for laundry

I feel that when you are waiting for your laundry to be done it is the most inspirational time of our lives even more so then taking a huge dump after a thanksgiving dinner. I feel it is a time where you can just let your brain fall in to jello and just let it ride off in to a crazy world. I was spacing out and wondering what i would do if i could walk on water. I would probualy first walk in to the middle of a lake and smoke a joint. then mabye walk to vancouver and laugh at the people paying for the ferry and but of course take a girl on a super kewl date where we romp in the middle of that same lake i smoked a joint at. And after the sex i would discuss with her my experience of smoking a joint in the middle of the lake. Anyways people do yourself a favour and put a load in then go sit some where pondering things and knowing you will have to fold some stained underwear in due time. i am of to have a beer and aka house cya all there!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

10 thingy's (good little sheep)

Alright so everybody has done these 10 people who might or might not know who they are things i will be a good little sheep and whip one up here we go!!!!!!!!!!!

1) You well hmmm your just beautiful and i love talking to you cause you make me feel good even if we are just playing pointless games, also your mind although not like mine is able to understand it perfectly.

2)You well i don't know you as well as i would like too as i am to much of a chicken to ask you to hang but thats all good mabye another day...

3)Me and you just cannot work because when my brain wants to think of the theme song from happy days your trying to dictate its thoughts and try to figure me out rather then just letting me be

4)Your some one i feel priviledged to be around and i respect to as a great performer and i hope we collaborate on more things before your famous my friend

5)Your pretty damn cool and i dig your style as you do your thing and enjoy what you want much like myself ya know just a smiling and not letting people invade your gaming territory

6)I love our relationship because you will never agree with me and i will never agree with you for eternity and espeacially when this world lights up but we can still have a good conversation

7) Your definetly some one i am going to watch out for as i have found you to be unpredictable and you have recently been showing a side i never knew you had

8)You are some one i can never connect with as you try way and i mean way to hard and think your just the bizzomb which is fine but it destroys me inside when some one is like that

9)I like your sense of humour and i feel like we were brothers in a past life although we don't chill a heck of alot i enjoy the times we do bullshit together

10) Last but not least you well i have always had a thing for you but only time will tell(i dare not reveal more hahaha)

Sunday, March 11, 2007


I tell ya what if i could be anything else on this earth it would be a fluffy teddy bear. Now let me explain why. Ok so pretty much my whole reason why is who do girls turn to when they have been hurt and they can't talk to there friends, well i tell ya what if a big fluffy teddy bear is sitting on there bed that girl is gonna go squeeze her boobies all over that thing! And i would love to be that boob molested teddy bear i would be like"its okay girly yeah thats right just shove those boobies in my face cause i am a harmless little fluffy biff bear". Also you get to rally some sweet story lines when kids are playing some imagination games with ya and you will totally get the one perverted story line where you get to do the female panda stuffed animal which is whacked but hey your a teddy bear and thats how it goes. Indeed you might become a chew toy for a dog though which would be kinda bunk but if you could move you could totally have a karate sesh with one of the mutts. hmmm you could also attempt playing guitar with one of your paws which would looks so dope man if i could see something before i die it would be a teddy bear rippin out a juicy guitar solo. Anyways i am off to catch some Z's but i hope the next life i get to be Biff the Teddy!

The Aftermath

Alright folks so it is indeed the aftermath of the party. Wow i must say that last night was one of the greatest parties i have ever been to i mean everybody just had so much fun and to be honest everybody was hella fucked up which was great. Devin my friend great job on the dj'n i loved the music. My friend gordo also paid a visit around 5 30 in the mourn when my shoes dissapeared but i found them so its all good. All i have to say is congrads my friends we made it through a party with pretty minimal drama and that is kewl. I loved seeing pamelalmala again she is beautifull and i luv her and her guy is pretty sweet too. I also flashed my junk last night which was rather fun which i dedicate to the murphy family. Hmmm well today is just a very reflective and recovering day so i ain't got too much else to say except for i can't fuckin wait for st patty's yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 5, 2007

Lash Out To The Intellects

Alright so let me explain somethin. I do my biff thing because it allows me to expand my mind and allows me to grow as a person. Now here is what i got to say, if you feel that you know everything and that you are a master intellect by the time you are 20 well tell me how will you grow i mean you have already figured life out and you have grown to your fullest as an individual. I say do your self a favour and have a helicopter drop 500 pounds of dung on your face and mabye have my friend allen assist you with this as he has heli chop ter access. This is not to any one impaticular, i suppose what i would reffer to this person as is a tight ass. The breed of people i reffer to as tight asses are a bread which have a fixation on masking there personal flaws and embedding the fact that they excel at certain things in to the minds of others and indirectly making others feel shitty inside as they do not have the same level of skill. Now here's what i have to say to those tight asses you are absolutely fucking doomed to a life of loneliness and never meeting your expectations of yourself and ultimately never being happy. My advice and please take it if you can is chill the fuck out and relax and work on your relationships and being yourself a little more and open to new experience and not just what you feel is appropriate and right in your mastermind. And above all be open to mistakes and growing as a person and learning new things in mabye a way you had not before. I see so many of these people in a day just around town and all i wanna do is spill a beer on them roll em down a hill and shove an miss spelled essay in there face yelling at the top of my lungs" this essay is brilliant!!!!" Anyways that was a great vent but i must be off to eat some dinner. Peace ya'll

Thursday, March 1, 2007

fun moments

what a fun moment in my life....