Friday, August 17, 2007


Well I must admit it has been way way way!!!! to long since my last post and i apoligize... I have been staying in california for the last month or so doing an intense school of improv called the "Groundlings" which has been a blast!! Also i have been cast in a improv/sketch comedy show called "lost episodes" on this little stage in north hollywood and it has been pretty crazy and it goes up tonight so i am pretty stoaked. I must say i do miss everyone back on the island and i cannot wait to hang out with everyone espeacially MR BLACK! I have to say i have been having extremely odd and real like dreams here i suppose because of the heat and i must share one. It started out in a zombie like town but with a feel of ladysmith in there. Me, Gregiore, Kylan, Martha, Jill and Geoff where walking through the town looking for some way to get out! We then walked by a few townsfolk and approached them to ask where we might find a phone? As we got closer we realized the had saliva drooling from there mouths and it looked as if some one had shoved a needle with dentist freezing stuff into the back of there heads! So we acted as if nothing was up and continued down the street and finally we found a dentist clinic!! So we all went in to see if we could use the phone to call some one. Kylan then said upon entering" Sexy frontdesk chich" Martha then smoothly rolled her eyes at him and kylan giggled like a girl. The dentist came out and he looked like an 11 foot version of brad mackey but with an eye patch!! The lot of us were spooked.... Gregiore smoothly said "Excuse me sir but we need to use a phone if you might have one?" in his most pursaisive and sexy voice. The monster brad mackey retorted with"Can't you see the front desk girl is using it now come into my back room and watch my disney movies with me!!!!!!" So all of us proceeded into the back room entering through a gigantic glass door, the only kind suitable for a monster brad mackey with an eye patch! We sat down in the dimly lit room with suprisingly comfortable chairs at which Jill mentioned" These are some sweet ass chairs man" Monster B.M. Chuckled at this with green flem dripping down his lip. he turned on the movie and it was a projection screen. It began and we were all horrified at the sight of it! It was monster Brad Mackey pullin his pud with a bunch of stuffed disney toys around him. There was a good amount of silence with only gregiore having the courage to break it with"You have a horrible singing voice man!And i gotta pee where's your washroom?" Me and gregiore then went to find the toilet while the rest of everyone sat and endured watching an 11 foot brad mackey spooge on a bunch of stuffed disney characters singing something from lion king at the top of his lunghs!! As soon as we closed the Giant glass door me and gregiore made a break for the entrance and found our selves on the street! We looked and saw a gigantic bycicle infront of the dentist office suprised we hadn't noticed it when we entered. gregiore looked at me with a look i had never seen in the mans eyes before and said in a hugh Jackman like tone "Lets ride that ridiculously big bycycle outta this town Biff!!!" It took both of us to ride it him on the peddles and me at the bars. We started out slow but soon enough we got momentem and for some reason when i looked down Gregiore was naked and laughing so hard everytime he zoomed around on the peddles! We made our way toward nanaimo and all of a sudden heard the scream only a Monster brad mackey could make and i woke up!!

I apoligize for those who were left at the dentist and hope this dream inspires others!!