Monday, February 12, 2007

Boris Beer + Biff Thought

Alright so i had some Boris Beer the other night and i am telling ya its a must buy. The bottles are not big at all but you feel like a dirty french men with no life named "HUGO" and i must say it is great. Last night was pretty bizarre i can't really describe what happened as it was a very sacred event but i can say this holy smokarino's. Smokarino's man that would be a superb hot dog brand i mean i would buy them but they would have to be smokies(Cheese filled). Ok so anyways what did i learn from last nights events hmmmm... well i suppose i learned that when ever you drink Boris just give in and let Boris take over cause he is a genius. What was snow really saying in that informer song? This is what i got from it "Informer a soda pop winkle dinklee yeah i lick a boomp boomp they air". Remember when he tried to make his comeback with that song where he is infront of the blingin cars and joke song haha what a fluff. Well i tell ya if ya feel guilt and your like oh man commitments responsiblity and obligation and due dates just say its ok and do something fun like drink a beer or play with your fish bowl and then think wow life is just a simple wimple then jump around and lie to your self that you don't have to do shit anymore then lay on the ground and let your mind slip which is pretty tough to do, then think of random images but don't you fucking dare try to make sense of them, then make up words but don't define them just make up one's that sound cool and put your mind at ease, then roll on the ground like a walrus cause walrus's are a fun time, then think of a man who thinks he is the greatest intellectual in this universe and feel good inside as you know he masturbates every day falling in love with himself more and more eternally doomed to a life of rice crackers and re runs of Chips. I must advise you when you convince your mind to fall in to biff thought let it know it will be ok but that it must let go of all the useless and pointless crap it usually is motivated to do and instead induldge itself into a muffin and doobie mentality. The key to Biff thought is no confrontation it is my belief that on the regular, a person's mind has an internal confrontation constantly either it thinking about what time somthing actually happened or mabye thinking about how many cookies you had the night before. You must remember when you slip in to biff thought to let go and some times make up shit just to avoid confrontation i mean for instance your mind is trying to think of how many rocks you skipped across the lake and your thought process fire's up immeadiatly say 13 because its an unlucky number but at the same time a juicy number and then think about how freaking juicy that fuckin number is o yeah juicy number 13, see no confrontation yet it instead produced a number and also put some thought in to how great the number is when usual thought would still be debating if it was 13 no mabye 15 rocks hmmm man my head hurts. Well i am off to the sackola have a good one and weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Voodoo Doll said...

Biff.... as random and strange as that post was... I think that technique actually might have helped settle a few things in my head. I guess thanks are in order!

Martha said...

Biff, i love the way you write

ps: heard about your night ;) buddy, all i have to say is "you are awesome, i love you"

pps: rolling on the ground like a walrun, cause walrus' are fun???