Monday, March 5, 2007

Lash Out To The Intellects

Alright so let me explain somethin. I do my biff thing because it allows me to expand my mind and allows me to grow as a person. Now here is what i got to say, if you feel that you know everything and that you are a master intellect by the time you are 20 well tell me how will you grow i mean you have already figured life out and you have grown to your fullest as an individual. I say do your self a favour and have a helicopter drop 500 pounds of dung on your face and mabye have my friend allen assist you with this as he has heli chop ter access. This is not to any one impaticular, i suppose what i would reffer to this person as is a tight ass. The breed of people i reffer to as tight asses are a bread which have a fixation on masking there personal flaws and embedding the fact that they excel at certain things in to the minds of others and indirectly making others feel shitty inside as they do not have the same level of skill. Now here's what i have to say to those tight asses you are absolutely fucking doomed to a life of loneliness and never meeting your expectations of yourself and ultimately never being happy. My advice and please take it if you can is chill the fuck out and relax and work on your relationships and being yourself a little more and open to new experience and not just what you feel is appropriate and right in your mastermind. And above all be open to mistakes and growing as a person and learning new things in mabye a way you had not before. I see so many of these people in a day just around town and all i wanna do is spill a beer on them roll em down a hill and shove an miss spelled essay in there face yelling at the top of my lungs" this essay is brilliant!!!!" Anyways that was a great vent but i must be off to eat some dinner. Peace ya'll


Ky said...

i agree with yah biff.....for some reason this reminded me of dada

Martha said...

Biffer, you are an intellect, but you are a relaxed, amazing and HELLA awesome intellect. Thank you for being refreshing

Anonymous said...

oh biff.. this made me think of "you-know-who"... and by that I do not mean Lord Voldemort (Amber needs to cut down on the Harry Potter)


Bean said...

Oh Biff, I love reading your posts. We must chill soon.

Let Go said...

Totally agree with you, Biff... I hate people who are like "look at me, I've got my shit together, sucker!"
...or maybe we're just bitter because we don't yet haha...

Queen of Hearts said...

i love you biff