Monday, March 19, 2007

life's drama

So life's drama hey man there is alot of it to deal with some times. Here is my advice to those of ya going through some rough patches in your life either it be ure car breaking down or having a relationship fall apart. I feel the best thing is to just change your focus i mean if your in a relationship and it ends, take all the energy you focused on it and put it else where mabye working out or your studies or your friends. Another good thing to do is to talk about it till your blue in the face with some one and mabye bring a joint for that person to smoke with ya as we all know how it is to listen to some one suffering some one some times even if we love them to death. And last but not least find for your self what it is you need to push past the experience and move on and this can be tricky some times so give your self time. Anyways i am off to watch borat with gregiore talk to ya all l8er!!!!


Queen of Hearts said...

you are a wise man biff, a wise man

Ky said...

you never did watch that movie with us....then again i kinda fell asleep....keep on rocking biffers....we gotta stink up your van again

Martha said...

lisa's right, you are a wise man

love ya man