Sunday, April 1, 2007


Yabbba Freaking Dabbba Doo!!!! Peoples the sunshine is finally coming out to play finally! Man i love it when ya walk outside in the morning and the sun just warms your body up and ya feel all fuzzy in side and for that moment someone could have a gun to your face and you would be all like "dude isn't today a nice day...". I have been doing an extraordinairy amount of yardwork these days which is nice cause its good excersize and gets ya outside especially when ya weed eat ya just set your brain to zombie mode and let it rip which is nice. I suppose the latest thing on my mind would have to be....... well...... shit i dunno really. I suppose everything is going good hmmmm it doesn't really make for an exciting blog post i know... poo..... magoo...... booo hooo.....
I guess the next thing on my agenda is to finish up my work for school and get loaded on the satyrs camping trip oh yeah and i got a new fan belt whopeeeee!!!

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