Monday, February 19, 2007

Jazz Master

I remember this one time i was hanging with a few random guys in this car bombin down the road i mean i really didn't know the guys all that well but we ripped by a guy playing drums on the side of the road and one guy in the front of the car was like sweet a jazz master, now i dono if it was because he was high on some funky unky stuff but what a sweet term jaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzz maaasssssterrrrr......... man i would like to be known as a jazz master i mean i can't even play jazz but jazzzz masterrrrr man that gives ya shivers up the spine. Some girl walks up to you one day and ya know, you both chat it up for a while and your like with a smooth tone smooth as silk" so what do you do" and she's like "i am certified accountant for a respectable branch". This girl is like totally raining on ure parade at this point. Then you being you just sit in silence until she utters the magical words "what do you do" and you look at her with a smooth grin and answer in an almost hypnotic tone "well girl believe or not but i am a jaaaaaaazzzz masssssterrrr!!" right then the girls shirt just falls off because of the almost melodic words u just uttered. Then the girl looks at the saxamaphone on ure back and says "can you play me some jazz?" and again in a smooth tone you say "sorry girl i don't know how to play the jazz, i am just a jazz master thats all" at this the girl falls to the ground and spit shines your shoes for you. With the shiny gleam coming off your new black shoes matching your black shirt, BlAcK pants and of course black shades and black artist hat with a pinch of black sparkles on top you say " i gotta go beautifull-" and before you can smoothly say anything else the girl wipes the last muck off your slick slick shoe and says " I know I know your a Jaaaazzz Maaassstter you got stuff to do" and your all like with a smooth tone and i am talking smoother then smooth with a capital s and thats smooth baby, you say " Thats right girl and remember always Jaazzzzzz" and she says "Massssssster...." as you strut out of the place you lay a smooth fart from your butt and laugh as your fart tone lays down a kenny g solo.....

1 comment:

Martha said...

Jaaazzzz Maasssterrrr

Sexy. Just sexy.

hahha I loved this post ALOT.