Tuesday, March 13, 2007

10 thingy's (good little sheep)

Alright so everybody has done these 10 people who might or might not know who they are things i will be a good little sheep and whip one up here we go!!!!!!!!!!!

1) You well hmmm your just beautiful and i love talking to you cause you make me feel good even if we are just playing pointless games, also your mind although not like mine is able to understand it perfectly.

2)You well i don't know you as well as i would like too as i am to much of a chicken to ask you to hang but thats all good mabye another day...

3)Me and you just cannot work because when my brain wants to think of the theme song from happy days your trying to dictate its thoughts and try to figure me out rather then just letting me be

4)Your some one i feel priviledged to be around and i respect to as a great performer and i hope we collaborate on more things before your famous my friend

5)Your pretty damn cool and i dig your style as you do your thing and enjoy what you want much like myself ya know just a smiling and not letting people invade your gaming territory

6)I love our relationship because you will never agree with me and i will never agree with you for eternity and espeacially when this world lights up but we can still have a good conversation

7) Your definetly some one i am going to watch out for as i have found you to be unpredictable and you have recently been showing a side i never knew you had

8)You are some one i can never connect with as you try way and i mean way to hard and think your just the bizzomb which is fine but it destroys me inside when some one is like that

9)I like your sense of humour and i feel like we were brothers in a past life although we don't chill a heck of alot i enjoy the times we do bullshit together

10) Last but not least you well i have always had a thing for you but only time will tell(i dare not reveal more hahaha)


Ky said...

if i am on here...i think i might be 1 of 2....but i thinking maybe 9???

Martha said...

if i'm on here.... i think i'm the first?

barbara_mary said...

No, Kylan, you're number 10

Bean said...

BIFF!! Am I on your wee timorrin' bloggy?

Akiyhrah said...

Am I there?

Biff.B said...

martha nice guess and yep kaitlyn ure there ky your my lover so sorry dude i didn't need you on my blog and jilly bean ure on there most definetly

The Voodoo Doll said...

I'm probably not on there but I'll do as I do on all blogs that I'm not sure about and dance in your comment space!

Biff is awesome

Akiyhrah said...

Am I number 5?

Biff.B said...

indeed u r kaitlyn nice guess 10 points