Friday, April 24, 2009

Easy Times

Life used to be so moment to moment and easy my friends. Days with little judgement and running around your yard laughing just for the fun of it.

These days we are burden with responsibility, Aspirations, Jobs, complex relationships and a whole other bucket of mess. I am starting to find ways to escape in to the simplest and most enjoyable of times but it seems to take a little more work now that I have that stupid thing called a conscience...

I feel like Jim Morrison is a man who never let go of that simple enjoyable style of life and just floated around not giving a flying fuck of what people thought of him and just wrote his poems to make himself smile. Although in the end it is that very frame of mind that destroyed Jim at the age of 27 and I think I would like to kick it on this planet a little longer then that.

I remember very primitive forms of judgement when i was a tot and even very small forms of responsiblity but I never stressed about it and whenever it was over my child like mind would forget about it the day after or even seconds after. Goals seemed so easy like I want to run to the beach today and so it would happen. Kids don't have all that bullshit in there minds to think of a reason which might obstruct them running to the beach. So I guess through all this babbling I have come to a conclusion. Live with out fear and live a great enjoyable life(Of course don't poop on your parents rug).

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