Monday, March 26, 2007

Biff Philosophy

So here is some of my philosophy and a bit of how i see this world and why we are here. Check it out peoples we are here to experience the fuck outta this world and i mean molest this earth and experience this world as much as you can with life you have been given cause ya only get one. I mean really if you have an idea during the day and are interested to do it but think it might be to crazy or be too much of a risk i say fuck it and do it. Ya wanna do two chicks at the same time i say you get on that motherfucking blow horn and do some looking for two girls are in to that sorta thing, or mabye you wanna throw chess pieces at jennifer anistons boobies well i say you go get your self a classy chess set and go to her house in california and get her ass outside her mansion and start tossing some chess pieces at her perky little huskies. Now all this will reqiure some drive and hard work on your end but it is so worth it. Next on my agenda well religon is just a load of crap that people have fed us many spoonfulls of just to stop us from doing two chicks at the same time with a midget baking us some easy bake oven goodies at the same time so pretty much to hell with any form of religon except buddhism cause bald people are cool. So here is some advice that crazy thought you had today of experiencing something crazy well get your fucking boots laced up and start making shit happen. We are just these beings chillin on this planet and we only have so long people so get the shit stick out of your armpit and loosen up a little and yes ms. menell this goes for you to! Anyways i am off to do some air guitar but i will cya ya all folks l8er. Oh yeah i forgot to mention happiness is everything not god he is just a guy who clames to have created the pogo stick which for your information Lisa.M your god is not cool enough to have invented the pogo stick sorry to crush your beliefs hun.


Martha said...

yay for a biff post!!

man i love your philosophy. more people should live like this

Tarantula eyes said...

our philosophy on life isnt really so different....i just have different ideas of the things i want to embrace...and i have (in my belief) someone to accompa
ny me through them.......i love reading your blog

Ky said...

biffilosophy....thats what you have created. you will be the next great thinker. and in 2000 years someone like eliza will talk about you!