Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Something New

I don't really know what to talk about tonight... i suppose i could just chat about some shit on my mind. I have been alright lately i suppose, everythings working out pretty good and i am defiently excited for summer! I suppose i would just like a girl to chill with. But i think summer will probualy be a better time to look for a girl. I suppose i will just have fun for now as there ain't too much time before this school year is over. Camping is going to be so much fun i can't wait man i will be so smashed and definetly bunken out in my van. My van stopped smellin like weed so thats a plus. Gregiore i love you.I suppose i just need some new stuff to fuck with my life because i hate when it is going the way it should i mean i love a bit of chaos in my life. Well i am off to watch some movie with my bro but i will cya all l8er!!!

1 comment:

Martha said...

life must have some chaos, otherwise wheres the fun?

perfect is dull