Saturday, May 19, 2007

Blind guy rocks!

Well i have introduced a new member to the family and she is beautifull... her name you might ask? CLEOPATRA thats right ladies and gentlemen we are now in the presence of egyptian royalty and let me tell you her ancient egyptian magic will kick your ass in two just ask gregiore. Me and Gregiore have been playing alot of nintendo wii lately so a shout goes out to my main man blind guy! Anyways not too much is new in life just cruzin along i suppose enjoying the summer and saving up moolah. I am definetly already stoaked for next year though as i feel adding the third year is just what we need to switch up the feel of the program. I mean the parties will defiently have a little more pizzaz to them. but n e ways just though i would do a half ass update have a good one peoples!


barbara_mary said...

Hey, whatever happened to your plans to go to that school down in the states? Fill me in!

Bean said...

Oh man... Cleopatra kicked my ass and took my name... she's a sly one. And Blind Guy is still the best... I wonder where he got his crazy athletics from... hmmmmm...