Wednesday, May 23, 2007

old feelings

Well lately i have been in contact with my 1st love and it has been messing with me a bit. I have no idea why life has put me back into contact with her and its a bit difficult to asses everything with her as when i talk to her its both sets of thoughts and feelings when i was with her 2 years ago and just getting to know her again recently. She says she wishes to be friends but i do not feel it to be a genuine want so i dono what to do as it takes alot of energy to work things out with some one you have such a history with. I think the best thing is to just make sure were on good terms but not to set up anyplans to hang out until it comes natural. Also it is really crazy how vulnerable you still are to the people you open yourself up to even after years of no contact. Well i am off to work but a trip to the river with a whack of theatre peeps must be made soon!


Ky said...

i agree with this post, the whole thing. first exs like that suck...i have a similar situation. except i just dont talk to her at all. but i agree with a river trip

Martha said...

A) River trip= YES, although its still chilly.

B) Exes are difficult situations in general. Dont let her screw with your mind dear, we both know she's good at that, and we know that she might not be as genuine as she might seem. Take it a step at a time, carefully, and just let it flow to whatever... Gimme a call if you want to chit chat about things like that :)

Bean said...

To recap: be careful with exes, they're-a spicy meat-a-balls. And I third the river trip, I need to see what all the raucous is about!