Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Gonna turn some tunes on to get a little writing flow happening here...just a sec... I am not sure what I really wanna write about today, but I do want to write. I'm content and drinking a glass of wine which I prefer to drinking anything else. Wine is great cause you are smashed with in seconds of drinking it and you sober up just as quick but after a few bottles you are definitely in for a not so nice hangover. I am definitely a fan of white wine. Red wine reminds me of some lonely french guy drinking a cup while chompin a big block of cheese and talking to his cat... Gonna grab another glass... hold on...Okay back. Alright so whats on my mind? I guess reading I have turned in to such a bookworm and am loving it. I never used to read that much but now that I have found some authors that float my boat I am loving every second of it and definitely prefer fantasy and science fiction. It's the best feeling to get lost in a book because once you lose yourself and wake up out of it you realize you left your life behind for a while, all of your worries and commits had melted away for that moment. I find I can't lose my self with video games or movies as I can with books. There is always atleast a small part of myself preoccupied with the future or past but when I dive in to a great book I find I am fully in the present and I must say it feels fantabulous! It's almost that euphoric feeling of being in a dream where everything is action and the moment rather then being stuck in thought. I also find the more I read the less I enjoy watching T.V. or movies or video games which has frightened me a tad bit. Man this wine is tastey and is to be sipped not guzzled down I have learned :) After writing about reading I know crave to go read so be safe, be sexy and most of all BE REAL!

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