Friday, March 20, 2009

Sippin some jin and juice. Thinking about life and all the good things to come instead of the bad shit to deal with. I kinda wish I had the power to talk to inanimate objects... what would I talk to? A toilet would be a very depressing talk. I think a toilet would be like a sad country singer telling tales of his worst poo sessions. A guitar would be also neat to chat it up with. Probualy tell ya about some shitty kid who butchered a song testing it out and how it wanted to strangle the kid with its guitar strings... A bong would be awesome to talk too. It would tell you about all the different strains of weed it has had through it and how it hates to be cleaned out of its residue pride. I am thinking about camping this spring with my fave theatre peoples! We should definitely make an effort to have a nice trip if we can and make it like a year end camp out. Fuck the program we can do it on our own. And I hate the title "Reunion" I dono why it rubs me the wrong way but it does just a like an asian prostitute with long fake nails... Well Again I am off to read about Gods and Demons! Take care all and don't forget be safe, be sexy and most of all Be REAL!

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