Thursday, March 26, 2009

Who Am I?

Do I really know who I am? I know what I like. I know what T.V. shows I prefer. I know what condiments I like on my hot dog. I also know what music touches my soul but do I really know who I am.

Some times I wish I could spend a day inside one of my friends minds and see how I actually am to other people. Not to say I am in some sort of Identity crisis or anything like that...actually I am having a great peaceful day, but am in a very relaxed philosophical mood with no one to talk to so thought I would share my thoughts in the little blogorouskie.

I suppose this is just one of those things that will just drive you crazy the more you think about it. I really do believe in us being products of our environment even if we do accept it our rebel against it we are definitely shaped by it. Humans are so complex I guess saying Who am I? breaks in to many groups and is a very general question to begin with. Since enduring my journey as an actor and studying characters I am really fasanated to understand my ticks and quirks.

I saw an actor in class a few months ago who said after the scene "I was just playing myself" And I was totally blown away! The performance was pretty good but how in the fuck do you play your self? I think to play a character one must do research or observe that character and everything about him or her like what do they eat in the morning? or how do they wash dishes? But playing yourself I mean as soon as you go to observe your own behavior or action I think that alone already makes a judgement and alters what you would naturally do if you weren't thinking about researching yourself to play yourself as a character.

I am Biff Bartlett, 5"11, Brown Eyes, Brown hair, 190 pounds. caucasian with a weak spot for mexican food... But in the end what does it really mean to know yourself? I suppose my answer would be to just experiment with life until you find what truly makes you happy and then you've understood yourself and your purpose in life? I dunno I am done the rambling for now.... off to barbaque and figure a little more out about this Biff guy!

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