Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Mess of thoughts

I really do need some fucking clearity in my life right now... Mabye some inspiration would do it but its not like you can buy inspiration treasure maps, although that would be nice. The last little while i have felt stuck, so i thought in my boredom i might aswell dig some of the past up which was a bumpy route to take. Where to go is really a difficult question sometimes and also what to do? I find myself searching for advise alot when i don't even want to hear it. I think some good deciscion making needs to be done for me to gain some momentem. Definetly time to let go of the past. Its so weird though because the past is moments of time that have gone, but it still has the power to effect your life even more then the present or future. I guess all i wanna do is take some risk cause playing life safe can really bring ya down. And its not like i am looking to go sky diving naked, i suppose i just have to stop giving so much regard to the opinions of others even if they are my friends. Well there's my update finally!! and i hope you all have sexy and spooky halloween!!

Friday, August 17, 2007


Well I must admit it has been way way way!!!! to long since my last post and i apoligize... I have been staying in california for the last month or so doing an intense school of improv called the "Groundlings" which has been a blast!! Also i have been cast in a improv/sketch comedy show called "lost episodes" on this little stage in north hollywood and it has been pretty crazy and it goes up tonight so i am pretty stoaked. I must say i do miss everyone back on the island and i cannot wait to hang out with everyone espeacially MR BLACK! I have to say i have been having extremely odd and real like dreams here i suppose because of the heat and i must share one. It started out in a zombie like town but with a feel of ladysmith in there. Me, Gregiore, Kylan, Martha, Jill and Geoff where walking through the town looking for some way to get out! We then walked by a few townsfolk and approached them to ask where we might find a phone? As we got closer we realized the had saliva drooling from there mouths and it looked as if some one had shoved a needle with dentist freezing stuff into the back of there heads! So we acted as if nothing was up and continued down the street and finally we found a dentist clinic!! So we all went in to see if we could use the phone to call some one. Kylan then said upon entering" Sexy frontdesk chich" Martha then smoothly rolled her eyes at him and kylan giggled like a girl. The dentist came out and he looked like an 11 foot version of brad mackey but with an eye patch!! The lot of us were spooked.... Gregiore smoothly said "Excuse me sir but we need to use a phone if you might have one?" in his most pursaisive and sexy voice. The monster brad mackey retorted with"Can't you see the front desk girl is using it now come into my back room and watch my disney movies with me!!!!!!" So all of us proceeded into the back room entering through a gigantic glass door, the only kind suitable for a monster brad mackey with an eye patch! We sat down in the dimly lit room with suprisingly comfortable chairs at which Jill mentioned" These are some sweet ass chairs man" Monster B.M. Chuckled at this with green flem dripping down his lip. he turned on the movie and it was a projection screen. It began and we were all horrified at the sight of it! It was monster Brad Mackey pullin his pud with a bunch of stuffed disney toys around him. There was a good amount of silence with only gregiore having the courage to break it with"You have a horrible singing voice man!And i gotta pee where's your washroom?" Me and gregiore then went to find the toilet while the rest of everyone sat and endured watching an 11 foot brad mackey spooge on a bunch of stuffed disney characters singing something from lion king at the top of his lunghs!! As soon as we closed the Giant glass door me and gregiore made a break for the entrance and found our selves on the street! We looked and saw a gigantic bycicle infront of the dentist office suprised we hadn't noticed it when we entered. gregiore looked at me with a look i had never seen in the mans eyes before and said in a hugh Jackman like tone "Lets ride that ridiculously big bycycle outta this town Biff!!!" It took both of us to ride it him on the peddles and me at the bars. We started out slow but soon enough we got momentem and for some reason when i looked down Gregiore was naked and laughing so hard everytime he zoomed around on the peddles! We made our way toward nanaimo and all of a sudden heard the scream only a Monster brad mackey could make and i woke up!!

I apoligize for those who were left at the dentist and hope this dream inspires others!!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

its like butter

man i am so overdue for this trip even though i leave on wensday! I can't wait to be on the ferry with my bro freshly packed and ready to go.... no i won't turn this in to a fly rap although that would be kewl. I finished my 30 day yoga challenge which was nuts and i only missed 2 days so not too shabby we had a big pot luck for all the people that tried it at the end. I haven't seen many theatre peeps for a while which kinda sucks but i suppose i lick the sack at makin plans and everybody is pretty busy so no worries but i hope ya'll have a wicked summer and get exremely high and drunk cause its the extremes of life that are worth livin and remember that!! I have a week and a half to drive down to california so i imagine me and my brother will get in to some shannangins thats right SHANNAGINS on the way down which will be super sweet mabye tip a few cows or sumpthin. I also made total peace with my ex girl friend and we have hung out so much lately which has taken alot off this guys mind. I will defiently miss the river trips this summer with everyone and if possible i would like to request one picture ok so here it is, I would like Gregiore eating a sandwhich with his snorkle mask on with his middle finger in the air and i want jill spanking him!!!! Anyways i will start posting again some time in july with lots of pictures so i will talk to you all then!!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Feelin Good

Ok so i have been hanging out with my ex girlfriend lately and it has been so comfortable around her and after 3 fucking years we are finally able to call the past the past and have fun together as friends again. Its amazing how long life takes when trying to get over things or making peace with events in your life. Although now that i am catching up with her i understand some times u need that long to grow and learn and use that to put things behind and let go of what was. But for some reason our connection now is stronger then before and i like the relationship we have now way more then what we had. I suppose what i learnt through it all is never force or try to struggle for things cause some times its just best to let life run its course and just to always be ready when oppurtunity comes your way. Also its so nice to spend time with my ex and hear her talk about how much of a fuck face some of the guys she has been dating are and agree and feel good it isn't me being the fuck face and laughing my head off. And i suppose i know now no matter how fucked up life is some times and no matter what it throws your way some times bad shit has a good explanation. Anyways i apologize for my lack of bloggidge martha and everyone else but more importantly MARTHA!!!!! but i am now back in action!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Sun Sun Sun Sun Yay

Well its another beautifull sunny day out today man i am luvin it cause that means river trips are gonna be happening!!! I am 15 days in to my 30 day yoga challenge which i am having so much fun with but it is a tough and long haul! I am doing good right now because everything i am doing right now is going to make my california trip that much funner man i cannot wait to hit the waves on venice and seal beach!!! I also came to the realization that my brain is kinda funky and the choices i make in this life are totally fictional choices in a non fictional world. anways enjoy the sunshine people and i will see ya soon!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

old feelings

Well lately i have been in contact with my 1st love and it has been messing with me a bit. I have no idea why life has put me back into contact with her and its a bit difficult to asses everything with her as when i talk to her its both sets of thoughts and feelings when i was with her 2 years ago and just getting to know her again recently. She says she wishes to be friends but i do not feel it to be a genuine want so i dono what to do as it takes alot of energy to work things out with some one you have such a history with. I think the best thing is to just make sure were on good terms but not to set up anyplans to hang out until it comes natural. Also it is really crazy how vulnerable you still are to the people you open yourself up to even after years of no contact. Well i am off to work but a trip to the river with a whack of theatre peeps must be made soon!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Blind guy rocks!

Well i have introduced a new member to the family and she is beautifull... her name you might ask? CLEOPATRA thats right ladies and gentlemen we are now in the presence of egyptian royalty and let me tell you her ancient egyptian magic will kick your ass in two just ask gregiore. Me and Gregiore have been playing alot of nintendo wii lately so a shout goes out to my main man blind guy! Anyways not too much is new in life just cruzin along i suppose enjoying the summer and saving up moolah. I am definetly already stoaked for next year though as i feel adding the third year is just what we need to switch up the feel of the program. I mean the parties will defiently have a little more pizzaz to them. but n e ways just though i would do a half ass update have a good one peoples!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

10 tings

I like these 10 things which i like to call 10 tings so i am making one

1)You pretend to be my friend when i know your only out for your self and to secretly talk me down to better your situation

2)I will never talk to you again unless professionally as i don't associate with people who do nothing but fuck everybody's lives up just for there own self gain

3)I adore you and feel like we will have alot of fun in days to come

4)You are my other half and i am glad to meet such a great mind. I feel a great privledge just to chill with ya and play video games well getting stoned. you are so much my other half i could masturbate in a room with you next to me well you were eaten cheetos and not feel the least bit akward.

5)You are a hip dude and i feel a great amount of peace when i am around you

6)I have gotten to know you way better this year and you are definetly a good person and i hope we can chill more and get high

7)I do like you but i am dissapointed with the choices you make so i hope you get things together one day

8)My new buddy who i wanna hit some times but only because i love ya so much

9)You well i have given up on you as my patience has worn thin with the mixed signals and lies so i wish ya the best ta ta!

10)Your a cutie and i hope i haven't upset ya with my drunken shannagins i just like to take it to the limit some times as i feel the extremes of life are beautifull!

another year

Well i suppose an update is in order so here it goes. I am doing good right now just working with my chum allen and saving up a good whack of money so i can have tonnes of fun in los angeles. I am doing good as i said but i am definetly going through a transition in life and do i ever hate change so its kinda tough but i will get through as i always do(beat that rhyme dr suess) . I suppose this year was a bit much for me and a little overwhelming and only a few people i know truely helped me get through it and to the both of u i thank you two very much cause you always made me smile and laugh when i needed it and you listened to what i had to say so thanks. I am looking forward to this summer as i feel it will give me time to think and clear my mind and give me time to figure out what i need to. I feel everybody this year brought out their true colours a bit more as we have grown comfortable and as a reaction people have grown distant. Now i am not saying this is a bad thing but it was defeintly alot to deal with for the most of us. I like it though because it is the truth and it cleared problems up so they could actually get dealt with and the people involved could move on, so for most relief atlast. I am looking forward to see what next year will offer good and bad. But i am off to bed and will probually see some of you soon.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Useless Pursuit

I worked my ass off today down in victoria with my main man Allen building sheds for a nice chunk of money and after went to superstore and bought a giant bucket of candy worms to make the day complete. Today was a great day in my life. Today i felt as if i let go of so much bullshit that my mind has been going mad pursuing or looking for. But i realize now that there was never anything there to begin with and i sure don't know why i went chasing something i did not truely desire in the first place but i finally let it go. I have no idea what my future hold but i do know this now that i will truely let it unfold. Not to say i won't seize an oppurtunity when it comes my way but i definetly won't force my life in a direction it doesn't need to be going. I feel my trip to california over the summer will be just what i have needed and i honestly can not wait to go. Man surfing will be rad. I have an inkling next year will not go as planned but i know whatever happens its gonna rip and i will keep on keeping on. But for now its just nice to release myself from a useless pursuit and just enjoy myself instead of driving myself nuts. have a good one and i am sure i will see ya all plenty before i take off.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Summer cleanse

The summer cleanse is the point in the year where you let go of it all and let your lifestyle flip in a different direction. Now for some people this is very hard to do as they don't like the change in there daily pace of life but for me well i have learned to indulge this as it is inevitable. I mean its coming in to the month of may and you feel the sun starting to warm up your bones and for some reason ya can't stop smiling and well for me its a time where i naturally just let go of half my obligations and daily commitments and just call up a good friend and go for a nice walk some where. I love it so much and i must say more people should try it out and just let the season brighten them up and help them relax and smile. I feel two people who also embrace the summer cleanse very well as they brighten up my day whenever i see them are gregiore and martha u guys are excellent. Well enjoy your summer cleanse if you can peoples but i am off to smile and relax some more.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Summer will rock!

I don't know why but one of my favorite things to ever do is to pretend i am in an action movie or some really cheesey love movie and just do a running leap of a frame of some sort in to the ocean with all of my clothes still on it is such a kewl feeling but then your all soggy after but for that instance when you just smoke the water it feels neat. I haven't posted in a while but life right now i must say is treating me just fine and i am so psyched to go to california in june and do some killer improv. I layed in my van with my dear friend martha the other night and man we kick ass together by doing absolutely nothing! I dono martha but i had to post it cause its amazing dude we just rolled in to timmy ho's ho's parking lot and just talked forever which was awesome. Also i learned that just because you have an absolutely beautifull girl in the back of your van doesn't mean you have to make love to here as funny as it seems. Anyways I suppose at the moment i am just ready to have fun for the summer and play in the sun with some friends and also to have a good time in cali. I will stay in touch with all the theatre peeps for sure through msn so if i don't have some of u yet please get me ure e mails cause i just got a new camera so i will send ya some sweet pictures for sure. Well i am off to work at the theatre but i will promise to post more from now on. see ya'll later

Friday, April 6, 2007

The man 2

So this man gets closer and closer to the core and walks through a door with a sign above it saying "Yo If you is looking for some earth core action you came to da right place home slice" The man grins at this having a subconcious breakthrough of some sort, some break through he couldn't explain or understand himself but could only aknowledge through the feeling of chills down his spine. The door opened and the man stepped in to the dark world behind the door. The space behind the door could only be explained as "the answer" the man didn't even open his eyes to what existed around him as he felt everything in his mind,soul and heart come in to perfect peace and allignment.... But then curiosity got the best of the mans minds as he could not just enjoy the absolute feeling of happiness fullfill his soul and mind without having an explanation as to why? He opened his eyes and saw......... well he saw a couch with an old man sitting on it... The man looked in disbelief realizing that the old man and the couch was all that existed in the gigantic space on which he stood. The old man did nothing but stare in to the deep darkness of which surrounded the both of them. The man walked over to where the old man sat and toke a seat beside him on the couch. The man said" So this is what the core of the earth is hey?" The old man looked at the man and smiled and said"Relax".

Thursday, April 5, 2007

The man

A trip in to the unknown..... A man jumps from the shore of the beach and begins to swim in to the deep and dark world of the ocean. He meets friends along the way even a barnacle named pete who gives him some tips on how to bake a fine lobster. The man swims down to the plate's of the earth and peals them apart slipping through in to the earths core. He begins to wander through this fuzzy place realizing that the center of the earth is actually just filled with fuzzy little people who are wearing fuzzy oven mitts. The Man asks a fuzzy creature "which way to the treasure and answer?" and the fuzzy being says "its thatta way big guy!" then the man says"hey your pretty cool for a little fuzzy creature and the creature responds with"I LOVE TRAMPOLINES BECAUSE THEY BOUNCE BABY!" The creature then hands the man his fuzzy oven mitts and runs in to the village of fuzzies. The man continue's in to the earths core and finds a layer of the earth where a deformed flok of angels are having mad angel origies. The man looks at this and begins to give on of the angels a massage.The angel and the man discuss heaven and hells decisions and how they might offer some corn bread in hell as the angel is quite tight buddies with satan they play tiddely winks together. The man finishes giving the angel a shoulder rub and moves on. The man now nears the earths complete and total center and begins to have radical thoughts of what will be there God? Satan? Jim Morrison? What he will find may be great or nothing at all............... The answer revealed on a later post....

Monday, April 2, 2007

It's all good

I am thinking that i am trying to force shit in my life a bit too much right now so its time to kick back and just let it unravel. And my favorite little diddy of "It's all good" always helps me relax. Anyways i am off to put on my brand spanking new fan belt and after that who the fuck cares see ya all l8er!

Sunday, April 1, 2007


Yabbba Freaking Dabbba Doo!!!! Peoples the sunshine is finally coming out to play finally! Man i love it when ya walk outside in the morning and the sun just warms your body up and ya feel all fuzzy in side and for that moment someone could have a gun to your face and you would be all like "dude isn't today a nice day...". I have been doing an extraordinairy amount of yardwork these days which is nice cause its good excersize and gets ya outside especially when ya weed eat ya just set your brain to zombie mode and let it rip which is nice. I suppose the latest thing on my mind would have to be....... well...... shit i dunno really. I suppose everything is going good hmmmm it doesn't really make for an exciting blog post i know... poo..... magoo...... booo hooo.....
I guess the next thing on my agenda is to finish up my work for school and get loaded on the satyrs camping trip oh yeah and i got a new fan belt whopeeeee!!!


Yabbba Freaking Dabbba Doo!!!! Peoples the sunshine is finally coming out to play finally! Man i love it when ya walk outside in the morning and the sun just warms your body up and ya feel all fuzzy in side and for that moment someone could have a gun to your face and you would be all like "dude isn't today a nice day...". I have been doing an extraordinairy amount of yardwork these days which is nice cause its good excersize and gets ya outside especially when ya weed eat ya just set your brain to zombie mode and let it rip which is nice. I suppose the latest thing on my mind would have to be....... well...... shit i dunno really. I suppose everything is going good hmmmm it doesn't really make for an exciting blog post i know... poo..... magoo...... booo hooo.....
I guess the next thing on my agenda is to finish up my work for school and get loaded on the satyrs camping trip oh yeah and i got a new fan belt whopeeeee!!!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Biff Philosophy

So here is some of my philosophy and a bit of how i see this world and why we are here. Check it out peoples we are here to experience the fuck outta this world and i mean molest this earth and experience this world as much as you can with life you have been given cause ya only get one. I mean really if you have an idea during the day and are interested to do it but think it might be to crazy or be too much of a risk i say fuck it and do it. Ya wanna do two chicks at the same time i say you get on that motherfucking blow horn and do some looking for two girls are in to that sorta thing, or mabye you wanna throw chess pieces at jennifer anistons boobies well i say you go get your self a classy chess set and go to her house in california and get her ass outside her mansion and start tossing some chess pieces at her perky little huskies. Now all this will reqiure some drive and hard work on your end but it is so worth it. Next on my agenda well religon is just a load of crap that people have fed us many spoonfulls of just to stop us from doing two chicks at the same time with a midget baking us some easy bake oven goodies at the same time so pretty much to hell with any form of religon except buddhism cause bald people are cool. So here is some advice that crazy thought you had today of experiencing something crazy well get your fucking boots laced up and start making shit happen. We are just these beings chillin on this planet and we only have so long people so get the shit stick out of your armpit and loosen up a little and yes ms. menell this goes for you to! Anyways i am off to do some air guitar but i will cya ya all folks l8er. Oh yeah i forgot to mention happiness is everything not god he is just a guy who clames to have created the pogo stick which for your information Lisa.M your god is not cool enough to have invented the pogo stick sorry to crush your beliefs hun.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

free style

so if a salt shaker be shaking salt... and a pepper shaker be shaking some of that funky pepper... i am thinking a bear shaker well be shaking some grizzly ya dig. Would i take care of little bo peeps sheep hell fuckin no!!!! A man with a hobble in his stride has no pride... A fluffy stuffed animal gets squeezed to much so before ya touch another one of them think about there little lungs. If a boop equals a bop and a bop a boop then skip a rock and whoop diddy whoop baby!!! If your eating cheeze whiz leave it at that don't add real cheese please!!!!!!!!!! If ya kick an old mans cane outta his hand and he drops make sure you laugh like a madman and mabye spit in his face until she poops his pants so other people can't help but laugh and they don't frown upon your comical genius. If a mans hair is fluffy just let it chill ya touch it and then he looks at you with an insincere smile and loads his rifle at night puttin on some lipstick in a dark room boooo hoooo!!!!!!!!!!!! If ya jump on a trampoline make sure you get to the moon or why make the investment. I will now say good bye with a tap of my finger to the key man it feels good to be a gangsta peace!!!!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Something New

I don't really know what to talk about tonight... i suppose i could just chat about some shit on my mind. I have been alright lately i suppose, everythings working out pretty good and i am defiently excited for summer! I suppose i would just like a girl to chill with. But i think summer will probualy be a better time to look for a girl. I suppose i will just have fun for now as there ain't too much time before this school year is over. Camping is going to be so much fun i can't wait man i will be so smashed and definetly bunken out in my van. My van stopped smellin like weed so thats a plus. Gregiore i love you.I suppose i just need some new stuff to fuck with my life because i hate when it is going the way it should i mean i love a bit of chaos in my life. Well i am off to watch some movie with my bro but i will cya all l8er!!!

Monday, March 19, 2007

life's drama

So life's drama hey man there is alot of it to deal with some times. Here is my advice to those of ya going through some rough patches in your life either it be ure car breaking down or having a relationship fall apart. I feel the best thing is to just change your focus i mean if your in a relationship and it ends, take all the energy you focused on it and put it else where mabye working out or your studies or your friends. Another good thing to do is to talk about it till your blue in the face with some one and mabye bring a joint for that person to smoke with ya as we all know how it is to listen to some one suffering some one some times even if we love them to death. And last but not least find for your self what it is you need to push past the experience and move on and this can be tricky some times so give your self time. Anyways i am off to watch borat with gregiore talk to ya all l8er!!!!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Waiting for laundry

I feel that when you are waiting for your laundry to be done it is the most inspirational time of our lives even more so then taking a huge dump after a thanksgiving dinner. I feel it is a time where you can just let your brain fall in to jello and just let it ride off in to a crazy world. I was spacing out and wondering what i would do if i could walk on water. I would probualy first walk in to the middle of a lake and smoke a joint. then mabye walk to vancouver and laugh at the people paying for the ferry and but of course take a girl on a super kewl date where we romp in the middle of that same lake i smoked a joint at. And after the sex i would discuss with her my experience of smoking a joint in the middle of the lake. Anyways people do yourself a favour and put a load in then go sit some where pondering things and knowing you will have to fold some stained underwear in due time. i am of to have a beer and aka house cya all there!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

10 thingy's (good little sheep)

Alright so everybody has done these 10 people who might or might not know who they are things i will be a good little sheep and whip one up here we go!!!!!!!!!!!

1) You well hmmm your just beautiful and i love talking to you cause you make me feel good even if we are just playing pointless games, also your mind although not like mine is able to understand it perfectly.

2)You well i don't know you as well as i would like too as i am to much of a chicken to ask you to hang but thats all good mabye another day...

3)Me and you just cannot work because when my brain wants to think of the theme song from happy days your trying to dictate its thoughts and try to figure me out rather then just letting me be

4)Your some one i feel priviledged to be around and i respect to as a great performer and i hope we collaborate on more things before your famous my friend

5)Your pretty damn cool and i dig your style as you do your thing and enjoy what you want much like myself ya know just a smiling and not letting people invade your gaming territory

6)I love our relationship because you will never agree with me and i will never agree with you for eternity and espeacially when this world lights up but we can still have a good conversation

7) Your definetly some one i am going to watch out for as i have found you to be unpredictable and you have recently been showing a side i never knew you had

8)You are some one i can never connect with as you try way and i mean way to hard and think your just the bizzomb which is fine but it destroys me inside when some one is like that

9)I like your sense of humour and i feel like we were brothers in a past life although we don't chill a heck of alot i enjoy the times we do bullshit together

10) Last but not least you well i have always had a thing for you but only time will tell(i dare not reveal more hahaha)

Sunday, March 11, 2007


I tell ya what if i could be anything else on this earth it would be a fluffy teddy bear. Now let me explain why. Ok so pretty much my whole reason why is who do girls turn to when they have been hurt and they can't talk to there friends, well i tell ya what if a big fluffy teddy bear is sitting on there bed that girl is gonna go squeeze her boobies all over that thing! And i would love to be that boob molested teddy bear i would be like"its okay girly yeah thats right just shove those boobies in my face cause i am a harmless little fluffy biff bear". Also you get to rally some sweet story lines when kids are playing some imagination games with ya and you will totally get the one perverted story line where you get to do the female panda stuffed animal which is whacked but hey your a teddy bear and thats how it goes. Indeed you might become a chew toy for a dog though which would be kinda bunk but if you could move you could totally have a karate sesh with one of the mutts. hmmm you could also attempt playing guitar with one of your paws which would looks so dope man if i could see something before i die it would be a teddy bear rippin out a juicy guitar solo. Anyways i am off to catch some Z's but i hope the next life i get to be Biff the Teddy!

The Aftermath

Alright folks so it is indeed the aftermath of the party. Wow i must say that last night was one of the greatest parties i have ever been to i mean everybody just had so much fun and to be honest everybody was hella fucked up which was great. Devin my friend great job on the dj'n i loved the music. My friend gordo also paid a visit around 5 30 in the mourn when my shoes dissapeared but i found them so its all good. All i have to say is congrads my friends we made it through a party with pretty minimal drama and that is kewl. I loved seeing pamelalmala again she is beautifull and i luv her and her guy is pretty sweet too. I also flashed my junk last night which was rather fun which i dedicate to the murphy family. Hmmm well today is just a very reflective and recovering day so i ain't got too much else to say except for i can't fuckin wait for st patty's yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 5, 2007

Lash Out To The Intellects

Alright so let me explain somethin. I do my biff thing because it allows me to expand my mind and allows me to grow as a person. Now here is what i got to say, if you feel that you know everything and that you are a master intellect by the time you are 20 well tell me how will you grow i mean you have already figured life out and you have grown to your fullest as an individual. I say do your self a favour and have a helicopter drop 500 pounds of dung on your face and mabye have my friend allen assist you with this as he has heli chop ter access. This is not to any one impaticular, i suppose what i would reffer to this person as is a tight ass. The breed of people i reffer to as tight asses are a bread which have a fixation on masking there personal flaws and embedding the fact that they excel at certain things in to the minds of others and indirectly making others feel shitty inside as they do not have the same level of skill. Now here's what i have to say to those tight asses you are absolutely fucking doomed to a life of loneliness and never meeting your expectations of yourself and ultimately never being happy. My advice and please take it if you can is chill the fuck out and relax and work on your relationships and being yourself a little more and open to new experience and not just what you feel is appropriate and right in your mastermind. And above all be open to mistakes and growing as a person and learning new things in mabye a way you had not before. I see so many of these people in a day just around town and all i wanna do is spill a beer on them roll em down a hill and shove an miss spelled essay in there face yelling at the top of my lungs" this essay is brilliant!!!!" Anyways that was a great vent but i must be off to eat some dinner. Peace ya'll

Thursday, March 1, 2007

fun moments

what a fun moment in my life....

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

old man gummer

Well Power is most definetly coming along and i must say it is one cool show. I must say my first experience being onstage neked and yes martha i intended for it to be spelled neked although i will most likely mispell some other funky word later so keep your eyes peeled, anways my first time was intresting and a bit weird to start but i must say alot of fun. I have been having trouble watching the sad moments in movies lately i tend to shut it off when i know some old mans gonna croke or bambi's mom is taking one for the team. So a party is finally coming for the closing night if not sooner so thats fun! But i must tell a story from my life now. Okay so this one time i was chillin at the store with my brother and he ran in to grab some munchies for a night of gaming out and i was about 12 i think. My brother was hanging in the store when i looked in my rear view mirror and seen an old man bust out a fresh pack of gum. The odd thing was the man looked at the pack as if it was the first time he had ever seen gum with his eyes popping outta his head. James then hopped in the car and was about to fire up the engine when i was like "no wait shhh look at grandpa back there" so james looked with me in silence. The old man put the gum in his mouth and started chewing away like there was no tommorow just fucking chewing the shit and smiling away. And james started to do the old mans voice like "num num nums ooo yeah mmmm thats it baby gum on my tongue whooopeee look out you little whippersnappers i can chew gum" as we pulled away we looked beside us and the old man gave us the thumbs up like "hey dude's don't worry i can chew gum i'm coo i'm coo" anyways i am off to help with the build see ya'll later

Friday, February 23, 2007

good days

Man today is one flipping great day, Listen to good old jack johnson banna pancakes and eating some toast. I have realized something about this life that figuring out what ya want is the hardest thing about it, i mean how can you work for something if ya don't know what it is. Or even if you pick something i mean sometimes its just to have a goal and you really just don't have any desire for it. I know this is not like a normal biff blog but i tell ya today is whacked. So i say chill out and think of something you want and then think of the reason for wanting it then drink 6 beers and leave your house in search for what ever it is and ta da nothing but daisies and sunflower paddy whacks. Well i am off to shower and go have some fun mabye listen to some tunes but my advice is get up mabye listen to your fave tune and start thinking about what it is ya want. Anyways i am off have a good one peoples!!!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Jazz Master

I remember this one time i was hanging with a few random guys in this car bombin down the road i mean i really didn't know the guys all that well but we ripped by a guy playing drums on the side of the road and one guy in the front of the car was like sweet a jazz master, now i dono if it was because he was high on some funky unky stuff but what a sweet term jaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzz maaasssssterrrrr......... man i would like to be known as a jazz master i mean i can't even play jazz but jazzzz masterrrrr man that gives ya shivers up the spine. Some girl walks up to you one day and ya know, you both chat it up for a while and your like with a smooth tone smooth as silk" so what do you do" and she's like "i am certified accountant for a respectable branch". This girl is like totally raining on ure parade at this point. Then you being you just sit in silence until she utters the magical words "what do you do" and you look at her with a smooth grin and answer in an almost hypnotic tone "well girl believe or not but i am a jaaaaaaazzzz masssssterrrr!!" right then the girls shirt just falls off because of the almost melodic words u just uttered. Then the girl looks at the saxamaphone on ure back and says "can you play me some jazz?" and again in a smooth tone you say "sorry girl i don't know how to play the jazz, i am just a jazz master thats all" at this the girl falls to the ground and spit shines your shoes for you. With the shiny gleam coming off your new black shoes matching your black shirt, BlAcK pants and of course black shades and black artist hat with a pinch of black sparkles on top you say " i gotta go beautifull-" and before you can smoothly say anything else the girl wipes the last muck off your slick slick shoe and says " I know I know your a Jaaaazzz Maaassstter you got stuff to do" and your all like with a smooth tone and i am talking smoother then smooth with a capital s and thats smooth baby, you say " Thats right girl and remember always Jaazzzzzz" and she says "Massssssster...." as you strut out of the place you lay a smooth fart from your butt and laugh as your fart tone lays down a kenny g solo.....

Dads cookies

Well it is about 3:30 in the morning and my eyes are getting heavy. I am looking out a window and i can see a street lamp just a chillin doing its thing lighting some useless piece of walkway up. I am thinking about getting some dads cookies. What is it with the assortment of dads cookies although keep in mind i am not knocking the actual cookies as they are delicious. But back to my point the cookies the "dads cookies" i mean you get a round one that tastes good in then you get a round one with a hole in the middle but still has a great taste now we get to the oval shaped one who tastes exactly like the 1st fuckin round one i mean come on just because your fucking oval doesn't mean i will overlook your un original taste you fuckin fuck face fuck right the fuck off. I wonder why they are called dad's cookies to begin with.... remember when marty mcfly slips up in back to the future and call's his father in it george mcfly "dad" haha then hey all plays it smooth and is all like "dad dad daddyo" anyways i is off to bed before i lose my mind any further hopefully i get drunk soon night night....

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Chattin Some Jazz

I am staring at a pair of fuzzy dice right now.... Man i dono why but fuzzy dice are just the kewlest i mean you can hang em in your car and play a totally ridiculously big board game with them. I was thinking that i would love to go sky diving today but i would definitely need some one to join me in this venture i mean how cool would it be just to through yourself towards the earth just shittin your pants the whole way feeling weightless weeeee!!!! So if you would like to join me lets make it happen. So this stoner came around the aisle at Canadian tire the other day and was like" Whoa!!! man you look like that fucking happy Gilmore guy huh huh" and i was like " I am him buddy but your trippin" ha ha oh man you shoulda seen the look on his face his brain couldn't even begin to figure out what i just said. I remember this one time i was sittin at my desk in grade 5 and i looked over to talk to a girl named heather who i had a crush on and i leaned to far and my desk totally fell side ways trapping my arm under it she was all like" hey biff u okay" and i was all Mr tough guy with watery eyes" why wouldn't i be okay?" oh man that sucked. This girl at subway today who usually serves me and Gregoire changed from her outfit and got off shift to go home and holy cock a doodle dooskie was she good looking i do say it is amazing how much those uniforms can hide. I find that when i am stoned it is like a nice little warm dome i am protected inside of i mean nothing can get in. So the next time freddy or jason come up talking there gonna kill me and shit like that i will be like" EH FREDDY i just smoked a bowl motha fucka so you and your claws and go jerk off in a corner". Well i am off to get some sleep but one thing i do have on my wish list is a sweet rippin party soon cause we need one people anyways goodnight. If you plan to have a snack i suggest milk and cookies

Monday, February 12, 2007

Boris Beer + Biff Thought

Alright so i had some Boris Beer the other night and i am telling ya its a must buy. The bottles are not big at all but you feel like a dirty french men with no life named "HUGO" and i must say it is great. Last night was pretty bizarre i can't really describe what happened as it was a very sacred event but i can say this holy smokarino's. Smokarino's man that would be a superb hot dog brand i mean i would buy them but they would have to be smokies(Cheese filled). Ok so anyways what did i learn from last nights events hmmmm... well i suppose i learned that when ever you drink Boris just give in and let Boris take over cause he is a genius. What was snow really saying in that informer song? This is what i got from it "Informer a soda pop winkle dinklee yeah i lick a boomp boomp they air". Remember when he tried to make his comeback with that song where he is infront of the blingin cars and joke song haha what a fluff. Well i tell ya if ya feel guilt and your like oh man commitments responsiblity and obligation and due dates just say its ok and do something fun like drink a beer or play with your fish bowl and then think wow life is just a simple wimple then jump around and lie to your self that you don't have to do shit anymore then lay on the ground and let your mind slip which is pretty tough to do, then think of random images but don't you fucking dare try to make sense of them, then make up words but don't define them just make up one's that sound cool and put your mind at ease, then roll on the ground like a walrus cause walrus's are a fun time, then think of a man who thinks he is the greatest intellectual in this universe and feel good inside as you know he masturbates every day falling in love with himself more and more eternally doomed to a life of rice crackers and re runs of Chips. I must advise you when you convince your mind to fall in to biff thought let it know it will be ok but that it must let go of all the useless and pointless crap it usually is motivated to do and instead induldge itself into a muffin and doobie mentality. The key to Biff thought is no confrontation it is my belief that on the regular, a person's mind has an internal confrontation constantly either it thinking about what time somthing actually happened or mabye thinking about how many cookies you had the night before. You must remember when you slip in to biff thought to let go and some times make up shit just to avoid confrontation i mean for instance your mind is trying to think of how many rocks you skipped across the lake and your thought process fire's up immeadiatly say 13 because its an unlucky number but at the same time a juicy number and then think about how freaking juicy that fuckin number is o yeah juicy number 13, see no confrontation yet it instead produced a number and also put some thought in to how great the number is when usual thought would still be debating if it was 13 no mabye 15 rocks hmmm man my head hurts. Well i am off to the sackola have a good one and weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 29, 2007

Abbazzaba you my only friend

Well lets see i am having a little more luck with the girl scene these days which is nice. I tell ya girls are such an essential part of my life. I slept over at a buddy's last night and watched russell peters last night man what a riot and then watched trainspotting which was incredible and topped the night off with a live incubus concert the morning b sessions i believe. Of course we were nicely sauced the entire night. The next mournin we watched this sir ian thing with ian mclellen and i am tellin ya watch it cause its a goody. hmmm rum coke and munchy chips are a great combination. Yeah so girls man they just make ya feel good inside just gigglin with em.... hmmmm i am thinking a party would be pretty decent soon i suppose we do have smarts on the 3rd which will be a goody. Haha i love smarts house its such an art gallery it makes me feel like i am knocking back cocktails with monaigh and picaso at there big opening. Hmm i am thinking a 26er of canadian club whiskey is in order.As a matter of fact i am thinking who ever reads this if they dare should get one aswell and we will sit down and make night of it "cough" "cough" gregiore "cough" "cough". Man what a tickley throat. hmmm urine town is pretty sweet i like the harmonies hahaha "hey guys nice harmonies" for those of ya who get that i love you so. Well tonight i am off to play some 360 which will be fun in the sun or in the darkly light and stale room. Well have a good one guys cya.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Scary Dream

Ok so i had a dream last night of a huge sea monstor in the bay i live near. I am talking huge tentacles and everything and it was not that scary till the thing started talking to me. It had that muffled by water bubbles kinda voice going for it. I was standing on the walkway at the beach and it started to create a huge whirl pool using its tentacles. The sea creature then started to say "hey buddy get in here and take a ride". I was like "yeah right man i ain't hopin in there your gonna get me". He is all like "no i just wanna swirl ya around the bay pal". So then i thought about it and through a rock in. The monster went nuts and started crying. Ok i dono if you know it but a 6000 pound huge sea monster is not the nicest thing you can hear or see in your dream especially when its crying under water with a deep voice like dave puddy from seinfeld. And then he said "well now your times up" and a huge tenticle came whippin my way and i woke up. Man what a messed dream i tell ya.Well i have to get up and go to class early tommorow so i think i am off to bed but i must say this has been a fun first blog. I hope i don't dream of that stupid ass sea monster tonight the stupid thing wants to be my friend i mean it would be less creepy if the sea monster would just eat me up. Anyways I am off.